
Feeding the Hungry

Providing food and sustenance to those who are hungry or in need of nourishment. Also, establish sustainable food programs, community gardens, and partnerships to eradicate hunger and ensure nutritious meals for all..

Giving Drink to the Thirsty

Offering clean water to those who lack access to clean drinking water by installing water filtration systems, and educate communities on water conservation.

Clothing the Naked

Providing clothing to those who lack adequate attire. Distribute clothing, blankets, and essentials to those in need.

Sheltering the Homeless

Offering refuge, housing, or support with housing solutions to individuals without homes or who are in unstable living conditions.

Visiting the Sick

Offering care, companionship, and support to those who are ill and in poor health.

Visiting the Imprisoned

Offering companionship, support, or assistance to those who are in prisons.

Burying the Dead

Providing proper burial or funeral rites to those who have passed away, ensuring respect and dignity in their final moments. Also providing support to the bereaved families during their time of loss.